Ravi Pujar holds an Engineering degree in Electronics & Communications from B.V.Bhoomareddi College of engineering and Technology, one of the top most engineering colleges in Karnataka. Ravi has a experience of 9+ years in the Embedded systems design and development with core expertise being development of Embedded software for a wide variety of microcontrollers. Ravi has worked for SNAP Networks, Bangalore, where he played the role of an Embedded Software engineer to develop code for microcontrollers used in Wireless home theater systems. Apart from that he performed Board bring up, Software architecture design, design of Automated test methods and a wide variety of serial protocol implementations.
@ present Ravi is CEO and Founder at Valetron Systems Pvt Ltd, Dharwad and a part time blogger and administrator @ Embedded World Blog
Email : ravi@valetron.com
Your support will be helpful in buying hardware and components and developing more tutorials and videos
can we send AT command to sim800l in every 10 seconds for long peroids
Abdullah Faraedoon
hello friend i have Question can you help me i found that sim900 has text to speech
if you know that module support that commands
Ravi PujarAuthor
I havent tried the TTS commands, but all modules should support it. Normally the application notes show which firmware to be loaded for that functionality. SIMCOM support team should be able to help you faster. Do drop them a mail, they are helpful